Homemade BBQ Rub

Homemade BBQ Rub – How To Make It?

BBQ is an all-time favorite to all. But there is almost no question about grilling a sizzling BBQ without hours of meat marination. You can fill your cart with these tasteful rubs from any retail or superstore. But the taste of a homemade BBQ rub is unbeatable and heavenly. You must be thinking, why make a BBQ rub in your kitchen when you can easily get one in the market? But still, a considerable number of families have their traditions and family recipes. Some of these spice-owner families have started bottling their spices and selling them in the market. So, if they can, why not you?

Homemade BBQ Rub – How To Make A Basic One –Recipe 1

Summer is the perfect time to fire up the grill and cook delicious food. One of the best things about grilling is adding your personal touch to your meal by making your BBQ rub. A BBQ rub is just the perfect blend of ground, and aromatic spices rubbed onto the meat before cooking. It not only adds flavor but also helps to tenderize the meat. If this is your first time making your own BBQ rub, don’t worry, it’s quite simple. The hardest part is deciding what spices to use. There are endless possibilities when making a BBQ rub, so feel free to experiment until you find a combination you like. Here is a basic recipe for a BBQ rub that you can customize to your taste:


  • 1/4 cup paprika
  • 1/4 cup chili powder
  • 1/4 cup garlic powder
  • 1/4 cup onion powder
  • 1/4 cup black pepper
  • 1/4 cup cumin


  • Simply mix the ingredients in a bowl and then rub them onto your meat. You can store any leftover rub in an airtight container in your pantry for future use.
  • One thing to always remember when using a BBQ rub is that it can make the meat very salty, so be sure to taste the rub before you use it and adjust the seasoning as needed.
  • Now that you know how to make your BBQ rub get creative and experiment with different spice combinations. Have fun, and enjoy your summer grilling!

How to Make Homemade BBQ Rub in 4 Easy Steps – Recipe 2

A BBQ rub is a combination of spices and herbs that are rubbed into meat before cooking. It not only elevates the flavor but also helps tenderizes the meat. Rubs can be purchased pre-made, but they are easy to make at home with just a few simple and easily available ingredients. There are endless combinations of spices and herbs that can be used in a BBQ rub, so feel free to experiment to find a combination you like. Here is yet another basic recipe to get you started. Homemade bbq rub recipe


  • 1/4 cup paprika
  • 1/4 cup smoked paprika
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup garlic powder
  • 1/4 cup onion powder
  • 1/4 cup chili powder
  • 1 tablespoon cilantro
  • 1 tablespoon black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon cumin
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon oil


  • Combine all of the ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix well.
  • Next, store the BBQ rub in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.
  • To use, rub the desired amount onto the meat and let it sit for at least 30 minutes before cooking.
  • Enjoy the meat with your favorite sauce and buttery mashed potatoes!

The Benefits of Making Your Own BBQ Rub

When it comes to making your BBQ rub, there are many benefits that you can enjoy. For one, you can be sure you are using fresh ingredients. Secondly, you can customize the flavor to suit your taste. Lastly, making your BBQ rub is a great way to save money.

Quality-Assured BBQ Rub

One of the biggest benefits of making your BBQ rub is that you can be sure you are using quality, fresh ingredients. When you purchase a commercial BBQ rub, you cannot know how long the ingredients have been sitting on the shelf. By making your rub, you can be sure you are using the freshest possible ingredients, resulting in a tastier final product.

The Meat Tastes Just As You Want

Another benefit of making your BBQ rub is that you can customize the flavor to suit your taste. You may like your BBQ a little spicier than the average person. Or you prefer a sweeter rub. Whatever your preference, you can tailor your rub’s flavor to suit your taste.

Surprisingly Pocket-Friendly

Lastly, making your BBQ rub is a great way to save money. Commercial BBQ rubs can be expensive, especially if you purchase them from a specialty store. You can save a significant amount of money by making your rub. Plus, you can make a large batch of BBQ rub and store it in an airtight container, which will last for months. So, if you are eager to find a way to improve the BBQ flavor, and save money in the process, then consider making your own BBQ rub.

Don't let the weather ruin your grilling plans. Slap It On BBQ rub is perfect for making your meat finger licking good

The Best ingredients for Homemade BBQ Rub

The best ingredients for a homemade BBQ rub are paprika, chili powder, cumin, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. This combination of spices will give your BBQ rub a deep, rich flavor that is perfect for grilled or smoked meats.

Paprika – The Key Ingredient

Paprika is the key ingredient in any BBQ rub. It provides a deep, rich flavor that is perfect for grilled or smoked meats.

Chili Powder – The Taste Elevator

Chili powder gives the rub a bit of a kick, while cumin adds a warm, earthy flavor.

Salt & Pepper – The Taste Essentials

Salt and pepper are essential for any rub, as they help to season the meat and bring out its natural flavors.

Garlic Powder – The Meat Moisturizer

Garlic powder rounds out the flavor of the rub and helps to keep the meat moist during cooking.

Why Homemade BBQ Rub is Better Than Store-Bought

Are you a fan of barbecued food? You might have your secret recipe for the perfect BBQ rub. Or, you might buy whatever rub is available at the store. However, there is a big difference between store-bought BBQ rub and homemade BBQ rub. Here are five reasons why homemade BBQ rub is better than store-bought:

1. You Know What’s In It

When you make your BBQ rub, you know what ingredients are going into it. It is important for two reasons. First, you can avoid any allergens or ingredients you might be sensitive to. Second, you can control the quality of the ingredients. For example, you might use organic spices or local honey in your homemade BBQ rub.

2. You Can Customize the Flavor

Another advantage of making your BBQ rub is that you can customize the flavor to suit your taste. You may like your rub to be a little spicy. Or you prefer a sweeter rub? When making your own rub, you can add more or less of any ingredient to get the flavor right.

3. It’s More Cost-Effective

Homemade BBQ rub is also more cost-effective than store-bought. You can buy the spices in bulk when you make your own rub. It saves money because you’re not paying for the packaging and marketing of a store-bought product. You can also easily make a large batch of rub and store it in a jar that lasts for several months.

4. It’s More Environmentally Friendly

Another benefit of making your BBQ rub is that it’s more environmentally friendly than store-bought. When you make your rub, you’re not generating any packaging waste. Plus, you’re not using any energy to transport the rub to your home.

5. It Makes a Great Gift

Finally, homemade BBQ rub makes a great gift. If you have a bunch of friends or family members who would die for a scrumptious barbecue, they’ll appreciate a jar of your homemade rub. It’s thoughtful for you to take this step, giving them a chance to enjoy their favorites.


In conclusion, homemade BBQ rub is a great way to add flavor to your BBQ meals. It is easy to make, and you can customize it to your preferences. You can buy a pre-made rub or make your own. Making your BBQ rub is easy. All you need is a few common spices and herbs. Combine them in a bowl and mix well. Store the rub in an airtight container. When you’re ready to cook, rub the spice mixture into the meat. You can either grill or smoke the meat. The BBQ rub will add a delicious flavor to your food.      

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